IMPROVEN may again call itself a strategic partner of the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) for the next four years. IMPROVEN has again successfully distinguished itself and can thus continue and strengthen its services to the government in the field of strategic management advice.
"Incredibly Proud are we that IMPROVEN may support the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers as preferred supplier in the coming years after final award of the Tender for Strategic Management Consultancy Services. Our practical added value in the field of organisational advice is recognised and appreciated by our current clients. COA's procurement team particularly appreciated our practical and results-oriented approach in the field of corporate social responsibility. For all colleagues who are committed to social projects, this is an extra token of appreciation. This is therefore a wonderful recognition for our enthusiastic team. The award also means a continuation of our pleasant and successful cooperation with our business partner Derksen & Drolsbach."
As expected, interest in the successor framework agreement was very high - many parties registered for the public tender procedure. After selection, the competing agencies' proposals were compared and based on various criteria, including quality and price, the procurement team selected the combination IMPROVEN and Derksen & Drolsbach as No 1. The other selected parties are:
- IMPROVEN and Derksen & Drolsbach
- CapGemini
- BMC Consultancy
- Accenture