The objective of risk management is to make risks transparent and manageable within all layers of your organisation - from employee to system to process. On this basis, you make a trade-off between risk, return and risk appetite that creates predictable value in achieving strategic objectives. In our view of organisational risk, three themes play a key role for the design of Governance, Audit, Risk & Compliance: (1) revenue models, (2) demonstrable control and (3) culture, leadership and behaviour.
Improven's Business Risk Services team believes in a good mix of 'hard' and 'soft' (behavioural) controls that together ensure the right behavioural aspect in the management of organisational risks, compliance with laws and regulations and especially the pursuit of your organisation's strategic objectives. We offer you a broad range of products and services for this purpose, based on various specialist areas of expertise and which we make organisation-specific: you can expect us to deliver customised solutions based on best practices that fit your sector, organisational structure and culture.
Integrated Risk Management
Creating understanding and managing risks at different levels.
Internal Audit
Conduct internal audits and shape/fill internal audit function.