Pragmatic project management


A clear project approach ensures clarity for all stakeholders in an organisation and is a prerequisite for systematically delivering projects successfully. And thus work towards a fit, agile organisation.

Especially in organisations where projects are often 'just added on' by managers and employees. That is why it is important that, in the role of project manager, they have a basic approach that does not take too much time, is tailored to the organisation (and therefore feels like 'their own') and delivers results.

Pragmatic Project Management by Improven was developed with this in mind. This hybrid project management methodology combines traditional Waterfall with Agile.

Implementation in 4 steps

Implementing Pragmatic Project Management in your organisation involves four simple steps: Setting up, Training, Coaching and Supervision. We train project managers, management and directors in applying the method. So that it can be applied immediately when directing and implementing current and new projects.

Projectmangement: Top 10 trends voor 2024

Elk jaar inventariseert Improven de trends en ontwikkelingen op het gebied van Project- & Projectportfolio Management in Nederland. De veranderingen binnen organisaties volgen elkaar snel op en er is weer budget om te investeren in nieuwe producten en/of diensten: we gaan weer meer projecten doen! Welke trends en ontwikkelingen mag je als project-professional verwachten in 2024?

Download brochure Pragmatic Project Management Bekijk de top 10 trends voor 2024