
A stakeholder is a stakeholder in your improvement project. A stakeholder influences the result you want to achieve. Therefore, it is important to have a picture of all stakeholders and to determine how to approach and involve them during the project.


At all stages of an improvement process.


By identifying and managing stakeholders, you increase the chances of a successful project. This is because the outcome (R) of a project depends on the quality (Q) of the final product and its acceptance (A). Managing the right stakeholders contributes to acceptance of the result.


  1. Stakeholder identification.
  • List all stakeholders (people, teams and/or other projects).
  1. Stakeholder analysis.
  • The importance of the stakeholder in the project.
  • Assess influence and attitude towards the project.
  • Assess stakeholder relationships.

Figure: Stakeholder analysis

  1. Design a strategy to engage the stakeholder.
  • What is the information need?
  • In what way, with what frequency and by whom?
  1. Getting started!
  • Invitation to sounding board groups and working groups.

Figure: Strategy by stakeholder (group)


Figure: Example stakeholder analysis


Within a stakeholder analysis, you take into account:

  • stakeholders who can influence the implementation of the process such as management, process owner, policy departments;
  • departments and officers involved in implementing the process;
  • relationships with other projects. Pay attention to passive relationships here too: multiple projects while resources are scarce.

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+31 6 20 49 09 82 Andre van Hofwegen