Broadcaster Brabant

Omroep Brabant is the regional broadcaster for the province of North Brabant and has over 230 employees. The main studio is located at the Science Park Eindhoven in Son. It also has a branch in Breda and a studio in the Provinciehuis in Den Bosch. The organisation is largely paid from public funds; some 20% of its total budget is obtained through advertising funds and other sources such as sponsorship. Today, it is among the largest, regional broadcasters in the Netherlands. As a regional broadcaster, Omroep Brabant has a major social function, as well as the function it fulfils as an emergency broadcaster. It also pays a lot of attention to events, both sports and cultural.

"We are proud of our enduring and extremely pleasant relationship with Omroep Brabant!"

Our approach

We started by supervising workshops with the entire Management Team to identify the main strategic risks and determine how much risk Omroep Brabant is willing to run in order to achieve its strategic objectives. We also helped the client determine control measures and next steps. Periodically, we reassess the strategic risks together with management and adjust where necessary.

A key requirement for the realisation of the strategy is the availability of systems and the protection of information. Improven conducted a fit-gap analysis to identify the gap between the current maturity level and the desired ambition level of information security, taking into account policy and the requirements and wishes of internal and external stakeholders. The gap and associated actions were prioritised with a risk analysis and presented in an infographic roadmap. Improven was also intensively involved in the follow-up process, the implementation, in the role of project manager, security officer and privacy officer.


Omroep Brabant asked Improven to make the organisation's internal control more explicit and provide it with more structure. On the one hand because current laws and regulations enforce this and on the other because the organisation itself considers it very important to steer optimally in this area. Key themes were determined with a view to achieving the strategic, financial and operational objectives, with a special focus on information security control and privacy legislation (AVG). :

  • An implemented risk management system appropriate to the size of the broadcaster;
  • A clear roadmap describing all relevant information security activities that the organisation will carry out in the coming years;
  • the transition from tape-based backups to a contemporary solution, tightened access security on critical applications and increased awareness on privacy and information security.
organizational fitness RISK integral risk management IT Risk Management

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+31 6 53 78 56 57 Louis de Koning